
We are a contemporary communication agency

Stakeholder Engagement [n. m.]

Opening conversations that reinforce your company and your brand reputation and enhance its value. Each of our initiatives is centered around canvassing key spokesperson engagement and then providing concise monitoring, management and consistent upleveling of your interactions with your audiences.


For over 15 years, we at Lifonti & Company have worked side-by-side with companies and organizations, staying on top of new channels of communication and ahead of the messaging game, whether it is corporate, B2B, B2P or B2C communications. In strategy sessions, we work closely with top management in each division or branch to get their input to craft just the right message. Our team of media consultants pride themselves in getting to know your business, inside and out. After all, only once we fully understand your specific needs, can we then develop and deliver a wide-ranging communications strategy, rigorously crafted to achieve your goals

Our driving mission has been steadfast: to work together with businesses and managers who choose our services by promoting their brand identity and core values – both personal and professional – across the primary channels of the vast media landscape to effectively reach people where they are.

See what we have to offer

Contemporary communications demands an intense familiarity with digital technologies, combined with the ability to quickly create quality content and deploy an in-depth knowledge of the media world with eagle-eye focus and sensitivity to a wide range of audiences.

At Lifonti & Company, our ability to communicate directly with investors and regulators, employees and customers alike by activating the right touchpoints, is crucial to developing the company or organizational reputation across a communications universe which today, more than ever, is unfiltered; It’s a world in which media outlets and opinion leaders play key roles in making or breaking a company’s reputation.

So how do we do this? Check out four examples of smart stakeholder engagement


Long term Relationships based on Mutual Trust

In our 15 years of serving our clientele, we at Lifonti & Company have accumulated a wealth of experience, bringing over 150 success stories to the fore. We boast an unparalleled rate of renewal and are proud of holding longstanding agency representation of our clients, some lasting a dozen years or more.

These relationships endure thanks to the constant upleveling of our agency know-how, and with it, the earning of our client’s trust day by day – by forging strong ties with top management and communications executives behind the business of each of the clients we serve.

Trust – It’s not a skill, it’s something we’ve earned. We take a three-pronged approach to earning each one of our client’s trust:

Responding promptly to each and every client request. This is our standard modus operandi; something that doesn’t always come easily to other communications agencies.

Maintaining a healthy respect for keeping confidential information when it comes to disseminating key information. We are proud of our agency where everyone is onboard to ensure our clients’ interests come first – 100% of the time – with no conflicts of interest or lack of transparency.

Upholding a strict allegiance to the roles and internal dynamics of our clients’ operations, which are made up of individuals and their personal stories.

Lifonti & Company is a team of persons who formerly held key roles in companies and organizations; persons who know full well all that it takes, having managed complex scenarios with a moving slate of variables while active on the other side. We prize our boutique status, far and away from huge communications conglomerates.

We operate with a 100% guarantee of ensuring that our client’s interests come first and foremost, with no conflicts of interest nor lack of transparency as if part of your in-house communications squad. Moreover, keeping confidential the essential input – and private information – that may come out of our strategizing meetings.

Discover our communications projects.

Our clients