
Content marketing, social media management, digital adv, community engagement

Maker Faire Rome 2022

The tenth anniversary of the European Innovatione Fair

Content marketing, social media management, digital adv, community engagement

Maker Faire Rome

Il decennale della fiera europea dell'innovazione

For the 10th edition of Maker Faire Rome, the largest tech and innovation fair in Italy for Makers, we established a communications strategy and set into action an expansive program involving Makers, companies, universities and government agencies as part of the promotion for this exciting European Edition.

Lifonti & Company provided 360º support for the event organized by Rome’s Chamber of Commerce, from ticket sales promo to post-event communications. Our support included in-depth promotion of the unique projects and protagonists involved and live coverage of the three-day Maker Faire which saw 45,000 persons gathered at Rome’s hip Gazometro district.

In just four months of our external communications activities, we posted over 150 articles on the makerfairerome.eu web page and 2000 social media posts. Our group partner, Social Content Factory, produced 60 videos to create buzz around the event, from teasers to interviews to full reportage on the happenings there.

The entire editorial plan was filled with deep dives into technologies used, innovations and trends that make up our world and project us into the future. We also focused on addressing pertinent issues of our day, like sustainability, research and digital tools. 

The buzz generated was enhanced further by a communication blitz in support of the local Maker Learn Festival, a week of tech workshops – free and online – in which Maker Faire participants share their knowledge and projects presented on site with experts, hobbyists and curious souls alike.

Watch the video reportage produced by Social Content Factory