
illimity Bank's annual proprietary event format

Believe - illimity Bank

illimity Bank's annual proprietary event format

A new generation of annual business meetings came to the fore in Milan.

Lifonti & Company, together with sister agencies, Cabiria BrandUniverse and Social Content Factory, delivered the unique concept and organization design for two annual meetings for illimity Bank, with a goal of shifting focus from a typical bank vision, to address the current economy instead.

“BELIEVE – Giving credit to the future” kicked off the first event in 2022, using a proprietary format for illimity to address the world of credit. Its purpose was to convey trust in the financial world ecosystem. For 2023, trust was the recurrent theme; but this time, directed toward the energy world: “BELIEVE – Giving energy to the future.”

Lifonti & Company turned the tables on typical bank events by placing the world of industry as the main attraction. By opening up a dialogue with entrepreneurs, financial institutions and other sectors, we were able to elicit constructive debate while sharing expertise on the types of instruments and various solutions open to companies to effectively tackle market downturns.

Each conference attracted roughly 800 participants, in person and live streaming. Attendees were a mixed house that included bankers, investment fund managers, entrepreneurs, consultants, service providers and journalists.

All of the conference content marketing was repurposed by Lifonti & Co., from event teasers to followup, and published on the exclusive landing page which served as the live portal for online attendees. Lifonti & Co. played a significant editorial role, from defining the range of topics and presentation order, to writing/revising speeches and round-table topics.

Thanks to the all-encompassing channel strategy devised for BELIEVE, we succeeded in involving the target audience before, during and after the event.

Naturally, participation spiked when questions were opened in a pop-up window. Both in-person and online attendees could submit questions to the moderator. The result was a lively debate, further animating the exchange and delivery of take-aways for all participants involved. 

BELIEVE returns in 2024… Stay tuned!