
Comunicazione interna


Safety? A children's play!

Comunicazione interna


Sicurezza? Un gioco da ragazzi!

Dematic is a leader in systems, software and services for Material Handling. Lifonti & Co. was charged with delivering a safety campaign for employees: Stop. Think. Act.

The campaign was conceived as a mystery, with a narrative framework inspired by the board game, Clue. The objective: Raise awareness and inform employees about company health and safety issues. It was developed in a highly engaging way, delivering content through the company social network, Yammer.

Stop. Think. Act. employed gamification for storytelling and interaction as taking place inside the company. It was initially rolled out to top management who then acted as squad captains for the 140 employees ultimately involved.

The highlight was involving all employees – from top management to floor staff – in something never before taking place at the company, with teams of colleagues formed from different sites nationwide invited to solve the riddles.

In all, teams had to work their way through 12 intelligence tests (crosswords, logic games and cultural trivia) and 12 clues to help them identify the cause, place and motive of an accident which occurred at Dematic facilities.

As each clue came up on Yammer, a total of 14 info posts surrounding specific safety issues and best practices to adopt at Dematic sites were posted alongside it as well.

In the end, nearly one-third (72%) of employees were involved in the game, with 90% rating it a positive experience.