
Digital content marketing

Allianz Italia

Facebook4Agents & "Ci Hai Mai Pensato"?

Digital content marketing

Allianz Italia

Ci hai mai pensato? - Il magazine di Allianz sulla serenità

Delivering a full-scale communications program geared to Allianz Italia’s vast network of insurance agents: Facebook4Agents.

Lifonti & Co. conceived and developed a page dedicated to agents which proved to be a welcome forum where ideas and wins and hot topics could be shared amongst group members.

Lifonti & Company was also the mastermind behind the creation of an editorial slate and management of a dedicated Content Hub for Italy, Cihaimaipensato.allianz.it. This is an online magazine featuring what Italians needed most, a place where they could find peace of mind – by finding the right solutions and policies that give them reassurance through Allianz Italia insurance.

At the core of the magazine’s success was our data journalism approach: Starting with current reports, statistics and studies we could inform Italians of their needs and benefits and the crucial role that a solid insurance policy could play across the many spheres of their lives.

The proprietary content populating the Content Hub were in turn transmitted across the various Facebook pages run by the company, thereby promoting cross-pollination of messaging between corporate communications and promotions offered to their Italian network.